Monday, June 30, 2008

When Jesus Comes

My 3 year old son Braden includes this phrase in every single prayer he says. I have wondered how to burst his bubble and tell him that we won't be able to just invite him like we do our friends into our house...But then I thought about it. In his simple faith he has wanted Jesus to come to him.

I taught the music in Primary yesterday, and one of my new favorite songs is "If the Savior Stood Beside Me" by Sally DeFord. Which can be found on the church's website under music. It talks about how we would act and talk if the Savior were near us. The last verse declares that He is always near us! I was able to bear my testimony to the children and it amazed me how reverent they were once we started singing this song. They know as well as I do that He is near, watching, caring and loving us. I could feel it very strongly when we were singing. It is wonderful to know that he will ALWAYS be with us. He atoned and suffered anything we will go through and an infinite amount more, so he understands and can help us. I'm so grateful to know that. It makes the trials so much easier to bear doesn't it?

1 comment:

OccupyThis said...

It really is amazing how 'in tune' little kids really are with the Spirit and how close to the Savior they are. No wonder why the Lord wants us all to become as they are. Thanks for posting and give your kids hugs and kisses from us :)