Monday, February 22, 2010

The Inspiration of Inspiration

This week has been an amazing week. I have a friend whom I've been friends with for at least 4 years (since high school). She is one of those people that you wonder if anything is ever going to go right for her. She has had so many struggles, and it's been hard on our friendship. She is not LDS and it's been really hard for me to watch her in her many trials and know that it could be made SO MUCH BETTER for her. During high school, I invited her to church, my friend and I gave her a Book of Mormon with our testimonies in it, she started reading it but it never really got anywhere.

Through the years, we've still kept in contact, even though it's been really difficult for me at times. I've always felt that whenever I talk to her, it almost always brings me down. She has made many bad decisions, and has become an even more negative person from it. Many of my friends that were also friends with her have just kind of lost contact, but for some reason, I never have.

While she has made some bad decisions, I must also say that she is one of the most giving, selfless people I know. She is VERY generous when she gives gifts, and she always remembers your birthday, or if you're having a bad day, she'll do whatever she can to make you feel better. I really admire her for her loyalty and generosity.

Then, a few months ago, tragedy struck her and her family. Her sister was killed in a car wreck because her husband who was drunk, was driving. This left behind her 2 (or 3) year old son. My friend has been through many difficult things, but this is one thing that she won't ever recover from. She hasn't had any idea how to deal with this kind of pain, and it's changed her life. Not only that, but she now is one of the primary caregivers to this little boy.

I'm sorry this is so sad, and I promise it gets better. I've always had this friend on my mind. She's about the only person I know personally who is not a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. Two weeks ago, the missionaries gave a lesson in our ward that was all about getting friends/aquaintances to take the lessons. I have always had the impression that my friend wouldn't be interested in learning this way. Her father has actually banned the missionaries from coming to their home. So I've always been afraid to ask her.

When they sent around a sheet where you put your name and the name of someone you know who might be interested, I almost just passed it on. But instead I wrote her name down, and kind of forgot about it. Well, we got a call last week from the missionaries asking if I had invited her to take the lessons, and I hadn't, but I told them a little more about the situation, and said I'd try. Saturday night, my friend started texting me, and I suddenly realized I hadn't asked her yet and I knew I had to that night. Our discussion got a little deeper, and I was telling her how the only person that can truly heal her is Jesus Christ, because He is the only one that knows exactly what she is going through. She could be truly happy through Him, and that's about the only way she can correct some of the mistakes she's made. The opportunity arose, and I asked her if she would be interested in learning more about our church, and if she wanted to talk with the missionaries. And she said yes! Our first lesson is going to be on Tuesday night!

I was so worried that she would take offense, because she has in the past. But this time was different. We've both changed a lot since the first time we met, and I know she's seen how happy I am, and knows that it's not just on the surface. I know that she has a deep yearning for something like that when she's been hurt so many times. So the fact that her heart was softened enough to listen to the missionaries makes me so extremely happy! This is a feeling I have never felt before, and I know the Spirit is guiding us both. Our conversation was inspiration. I'm not very articulate or good with words, but the words just came so naturally. I have had such an awesome feeling ever since, that I can not wait!

The best part is, since she accepted the offer, I can tell she's rather excited. She's told quite a few people, and has been inquiring as what to expect. We've got a few people that will be coming, and she doesn't mind it at all. I am so excited I can hardly stand it! I really believe that our Heavenly Father takes a personal interest in every one of us.

One particular scripture has really been standing out to me lately. 1 Nephi 17:3 "And thus we see that the commandments of God must be fulfilled. And if it so be that the children of men keep the commandments of God he doth nourish them, and strengthen them, and provide means whereby they can accomplish the thing which he has commanded them;. . ." I know there are other scriptures that say the same thing. But the Lord prepares the way. It is a commandment to preach the gospel, and the Lord has provided a way that I can help spread it. It is never an impossible task, because it is a commandment, and the Lord will not allow it to be impossible. I love how it says that He will nourish and strengthen us. When I think of nourish, I think of a mother feeding her child, not only food but with love. That it's nourishment on a personal level.

I'm sorry I'm not the best writer. But I hope my excitement at the whole situation showed. I really pray that I'll have more good news after Tuesday night!


OccupyThis said...

Great story, Melissa. I'm proud of you that you were able to get out of your comfort zone and make the invitation. One often discouraging thing about missionary work is that often, our timetable and the Lord's timetable don't match up, like back when you were in high school. Sometimes it takes a tragedy to really prepare someone to listen to and accept the missionary discussions. I'm excited that now, it seems like the Lord's timetable is matching up with yours, and that hopefully, she will realize, just like you told her, that true healing can only come from the Atonement.

Good luck on Tuesday! Let me know how it goes!

Anonymous said...

It actually went decently well. Not quite like I expected it. I felt bad because since Creighton wasn't there to help with Anna, it distracted from the spirit a little bit with her getting fussy/tired. But Jana came in with an open mind and agreed to read the scriptures and pray about it, and to do this again next week. She's not quite sure she agrees with everything that was said. But it was still a good lesson, and I'm excited for next week :).